Salaries for Multi Plant General Manager with a Master's Degree or MBA

According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Multi Plant General Manager with a Master's Degree or MBA is $247,475 - $270,393. Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

Typical Education for Multi Plant General Manager
Multi Plant General Manager with the following degree Will likely fall in this salary range
No Diploma $235,117 - $257,024
High School Diploma or Technical Certificate $238,487 - $259,832
Associate's Degree $241,296 - $263,353
Bachelor's Degree $244,666 - $266,873
Master's Degree or MBA $247,475 - $270,393
JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent $250,283 - $273,913