Browse Average Salary Ranges for IT - All Jobs in the Chemicals Industry

(IT - All Pay Scales)

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Click a job title to view its basic salary report
Job Title Alternate Title Salary Location Date Updated
Security Administrator InfoSec Administrator $95,107 United States August 27, 2024
Senior Mainframe Programmer Legacy Applications Programmer - Senior , Mainframe Developer III $100,773 United States August 27, 2024
Senior SharePoint Administrator SharePoint Administration Senior Specialist $127,618 United States August 27, 2024
SharePoint Administrator SharePoint Administration Specialist $101,442 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer I Digital Signal Processing Engineer I $90,988 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer II Digital Signal Processing Engineer II $110,031 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer III Digital Signal Processing Engineer III $134,702 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer IV Digital Signal Processing Engineer IV $160,361 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer V Digital Signal Processing Engineer V $202,129 United States August 27, 2024
Signal & Image Processing Engineer VI Digital Signal Processing Engineer VI $244,643 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect Director Software Research and Design Architect Director $216,554 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect I Software Research and Design Architect I $79,394 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect II Software Research and Design Architect II $98,833 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect III Software Research and Design Architect III $126,673 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect IV Software Research and Design Architect IV $151,382 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect Manager Software Research and Design Architect Manager $163,297 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect Senior Manager Software Research and Design Architect Senior Manager $190,653 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect Supervisor Software Research and Design Architect Supervisor $143,835 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect V Software Research and Design Architect V $179,774 United States August 27, 2024
Software Architect VI Software Research and Design Architect VI $213,503 United States August 27, 2024

Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.

Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+)

High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000)

Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000)

Middle Income jobs ($30,000 - $50,000)

Entry Level Income jobs ($10,000 - $30,000)