Browse Average Salary Ranges for Six Figure Income Level Science and Research Jobs

(Science and Research Pay Scales)

The Science and Research job titles listed on this page pay salaries that fall between Six Figure income level. These are considered to be Six Figure income jobs in the Science and Research category. If you are not concerned with what category a job falls in you may wish to browse all jobs by salary range. If you are only concerned with Science and Research jobs you may wish to browse Science and Research jobs by salary range or browse all Science and Research jobs.

Other related categories you may wish to browse are Engineering jobs and Biotechnology jobs. If you know the exact title of your job you may wish to search all salaries.

Click a job title to view its basic salary report
Job Title Alternate Title Salary Location Date Updated
Physicist V Expert/ Lead Physicist $147,332 United States August 27, 2024
Process Research Director Manufacturing Process Optimization Manager , Manufacturing Process Research/Improvement Director , Process Development Manager $186,887 United States August 27, 2024
Product Complaint Manager Product Monitoring Manager , Product Quality and Compliance Manager $136,189 United States August 27, 2024
Product Complaint Senior Manager Product Monitoring Senior Manager , Product Quality and Compliance Senior Manager $165,920 United States August 27, 2024
Product Complaint Specialist IV Product Complaint Analyst IV , Product Monitoring Specialist IV , Product Quality and Compliance Specialist IV $129,802 United States August 27, 2024
Product Complaint Supervisor Product Monitoring Supervisor , Product Quality and Compliance Supervisor $110,207 United States August 27, 2024
Project Management Supervisor Internal Project Team Supervisor $111,350 United States August 27, 2024
Project Manager III Internal Project Management/Consulting III , Project Administration and Planning Manager III , Project Control Manager III $116,904 United States August 27, 2024
Project Manager IV Internal Project Management/Consulting IV , Project Administration and Planning Manager IV $129,444 United States August 27, 2024
Project Manager V Internal Project Management/Consulting V , Project Administration and Planning Manager V $152,658 United States August 27, 2024
Quality Assurance Manager Manager of Quality Assurance , Product Quality Assurance Manager $127,883 United States August 27, 2024
Quality Control Manager QC Manager , Quality Control Inspections Manager , Quality Inspection/Control Manager $125,722 United States August 27, 2024
Quality Control Supervisor III Inspection/Testing Supervisor III , QC Supervisor III , Supervisor of Quality Control III $104,770 United States August 27, 2024
Radiation Physicist Medical Radiation Equipment Calibration Specialist , Medical Radiation Materials Safety Specialist , Medical Radiation Therapy Quality Specialist $220,819 United States August 27, 2024
Radiation Therapy Dosimetrist Medical Dosimetrist , Therapeutic Radiologic Technologist/Dosimetrist $137,612 United States August 27, 2024
Research and Development Associate III R & D Support Associate III , Scientific Research Associate III $106,421 United States August 27, 2024
Research and Development Associate IV R & D Support Associate IV , Scientific Research Associate IV $130,375 United States August 27, 2024
Research and Development Associate V R & D Support Associate V , Scientific Research Associate V $154,704 United States August 27, 2024
Research and Development Associate VI R & D Support Associate VI , Scientific Research Associate VI $208,009 United States August 27, 2024
Research and Development Director Product R & D Director $230,213 United States August 27, 2024

Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.

Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+)

High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000)

Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000)

Middle Income jobs ($30,000 - $50,000)

Entry Level Income jobs ($10,000 - $30,000)